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Exploring the Job Market - Job Coaching Werkshop

About the Werkshop: Finding a job in Berlin can be quite difficult. In this workshop, we take on the challenge together and answer the questions that are necessary for you to successfully embark on the job search and also to succeed. As an employee or freelancer. Accepting the challenge. Finding a job in Berlin

About the Werkshop series: The workshop series serves to strengthen our own self-efficacy: together we discover and explore our skills and talents, find strategies for career planning, job search, and dealing with stress and uncertainty. together we are strong.

We'll talk about you, your skills, common obstacles and opportunities.

About the trainer:

Dragan Simicevic (he/him)

psychologist, MA leadership & consulting / supervisor, personal coach, and change management consultant

Your partner for @exploreself

Free coaching via @jobcoaching_jetzt

October 3

Gay Consent Lab

November 7

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